A little about me
Currently, I'm your State Representative for the 80th House District, which includes Kentwood, East Grand Rapids, Cascade Township, and parts of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids Township.
Formerly, I served the people of southeastern Grand Rapids and East Grand Rapids on Kent County Commission (2017-2021) and on the East Grand Rapids City Commission (2012-2016). Feel free to check out my results page to learn about my work.

Our communities want a Michigan where we support families, invest in education, care for our environment, grow good-paying jobs, promote public health, defend women’s access to reproductive healthcare, and protect our democracy. You can look at my priorities page to learn more about what I plan to work on.
That’s why I’m running for State House: to build a better community so everyone can believe in Michigan.
To win this, we'll need all the help we can get.
Whether you are a seasoned campaign veteran looking to help out, or a young and energetic student who wants to join the world of politics, we are always looking for new members for our team!
Nothing we do is possible without volunteers. Almost 100,000 people will be represented by District 80, and we need help getting our message out to every one of those 100,000. If you are interested in helping out with canvassing, office work, planning fundraisers, or really anything else, we would love for you to join the team! If you have the time, volunteering for the campaign is a great way to support our cause! Get in touch with on Mobilize.us to get involved!

Current students will be the next generation of leaders, and we believe in getting experience in early! High-school, college, and graduate students are all encouraged to reach out to us and figure out a spot on the campaign. Your interests can be in the creative field, policy making, or a mix of everything; we will find a spot for you! (and not that we are keeping count, but 4 have gone on to Harvard...) If you are interested in becoming an intern, learn more on our Skaggs Squad page!

Community Supporters
The people in this district are uniquely hard workers, so some may not have the free time to work for the campaign. That's why we need a strong base of "behind-the-scenes" supporters. This ranges from putting up a yard-sign, to hosting a fundraiser at your house, to making a monetary contribution! If you are interested in donating, our contribution page is available here. If you would like a yard sign, or you are looking to help in some other way, you can sign up to knock doors, host an event, and more on Mobilize.us. For anything else, feel free to send me an email at phil@philskaggs.com.